International soap superstar Ronn Moss features in a campaign we created for CasinoEuro Finland. My first task was to research Ronn's suitability as a brand ambassador for the Finnish market. It became clear he was an amazing match for our target audience. Next I came up with a few ideas for treatments, and developed these into complete storyboards which were sent to Ronns agent for approval. Luckily he loved both ideas! He was wrapping up shooting a new feature film in Italy so we managed to secure him for two days location filming in Bari in the south of the country. We had a game plan!
Filmed in Bari in Italy, we had Ronn for just two days at the tail end of another film shoot he had been involved in while on location there. Ronn was the consumate professional, and he still had all the charisma and charm that has made him an international star.
Filming two TVCs in exotic Bari on the Italian coast in just two days required following the storyboard to the letter...
The camera never lies: Ronn's star quality shone through even when surrounded by bling and lovely ladies
A still from a second film we made at the same time. Here Ronn plays a James Bond-type sleuth in a dark and seemingly empty house...
Another still from the second TVC
The second TVC, filmed on location in a hunting lodge outside Bari.
Ronn and I on a film break