One of my favourite 3D and motion graphic TVCs I have delivered in the last few years. For this I was responsible for the concept, design, storyboarding, scriptwriting, sound design and production management. Produced in collaboration with London-based HACCHI Studio, the only agency I would trust with such a project. We reskinned and tweaked the video for three brands for different markets.
3D modelling the characters
Concept storyboard
The amount of work required to get this done was staggering. Production of the first version took nearly 6 months from project start to final launch, with many character swaps, storyline changes and decisions around lighting, grading etc. The first draft storyboard showing each scene as it was planned out.
Work-in-progress sketch artwork
Creating the environment took some time, as each element had to fit in with the storyline, and the actual circus tent needed to be proportionally big enough to contain all the sequences but also be small enough to give a mysterious and intimate feeling.
Advanced test animation storyboard
As the storyboard progressed we began to see all the scenes coming together. We were still in negotiations with the game providers to lock in which characters we would be featuring, and a number of revisions were made.
First TVC for Betsson Finland
The original Betsson branded TVC for Finland
The 10 second cutdown version at broadcast spec.
Campaign merchandise
Our Tshirts should be so cool that people would want to buy them.
We designed a catalogue of cool merchandise to support the campaign...
Proposals for OOH campaign
...and planned to support it with out of home. Unfortunately Covid put a stop to that.
Betsafe re-skinned TVC for Canada
When we launched in Canada, we reskinned the original TVC and recorded a new VO.
We naturally created all social media formats of the 30 sec original.
Starcasino re-skinned TVC for Italy
The Italians licensed our concept for We totally reskinned the TVC, changed out the main character for Gonzo, added some new game characters and recorded a new VO